I am Nicole M. Bent and I recently captured the title of Ms. American Stars & Stripes 2010! I am filled with excitement at this opportunity and I am looking forward to all that I will be able to be a part of in holding this title.
My intention is to bring awareness and focus on healthier relationships, personal and global gratitude and giving. In my position, I am able to make a positive impact in the community and around the country. Encouraging others to live life to the fullest and make choices that are life giving to themselves and others is where my heart is.
If you are interested in being a sponsor please be in contact. The proceeds will go to upcoming pageant events, appearances and various advertising costs. Sponsors will be recognized on the Official Ms. American Stars & Stripes 2010 Blog and at various appearances throughout the year. I would love to talk about ways in which I can assist in the advertising of your business as Ms. American Stars & Stripes 2010. Any donation of your services to help offset my pageant expenses would be of great value (make-up, gym, wardrobe, spa, etc).
Throughout the year I will be making appearances all around the country. I am so delighted to have this opportunity! Please be in contact if you would wish to request an appearance.
I want to thank you in advance for taking time to consider supporting me in my reigning year as Ms. American Stars & Stripes 2010! It is a great honor to hold this title and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you for your support!
Best Wishes,
Nicole M. Bent
Ms. American Stars & Stripes 2010
Email: MsAmericanStarsandStripes2010@gmail.com
Twitter: NMBent